Wednesday 12 September 2018

I've been given a DVD - Adaptation - Audience Response

Mise en scene

Setting - This scene takes place in a bedroom. However the setting is set out so it is symmetrical.   
Hair and Makeup - In this scene they have very similar haircuts and there is probably minimal makeup on.
Costume - The costumes are simple and bland but very affective in this picture as it makes you focus more on there facial expressions.
Props - There are only a small amount of props like the books and the lamp but it is looks like it is more effective to have less props.
Lighting - The lamp on the bedside cabinet is on which suggests that it is night time and they are staying up to read.
Character expressions/movement - There expressions can be seen clearly as the one on the right s trying to tell the one on the left something but he doesn't want to hear about it. There is probably a little if not no movement in this scene as suggested by the way they are both lying in this picture.


What are your expectations of the film? Give reason for your answer.

My expectations are very low for this film as the cover of the DVD isn't very interesting. The cover is also very bland and there isn't a lot on there that entices you to pick it up and want to watch it. However the reviews on the back say that it should be a funny and interesting film 

Narrative turning points - at what point does the plot change?

In the film I would say there are a fare few turning points but I think that there are only really two main plot changes. The first was when Charlie decided that he would go see Susan Orlean in New York which is when he also took the advice from his brother and went to see McKee's lecture about screen writing. The second main plot change was when they followed Susan to Florida and discovered that she stretched the truth a bit in her book.

 Memorable moments - what moments in the film stood out for you? Give reasons.

A memorable moment was at the very beginning as it started with a black screen and Charlie's voice. It makes you truly listen to what the person is saying and makes your ears fixate onto what is being said. After that there is a bunch of images with no sound, it was very weird and didn't seem to fit with what was being shown at the beginning but for some reason it felt like it actually fitted in with everything.

Emotional response - what was your emotional response to the film? Did your emotions change? If so where, why?

Through out the performance my emotions stayed the same as it wasn't a very interesting film to watch. Although in saying that there was a moment where I felt disgusted and uncomfortable which is when the fox decomposed. There was also a very sad moment when Donald (Charlies twin brother) died as you have finally gotten into the film and a very intense scene has happened and now a death.

Did you feel empathy/sympathy for any of the characters? Which were your favourites? Why?

In the middle of the film you find out how John Laroche lost his front teeth which was a really sad moment as he was in a car crash where he lost his mother, uncle and his wife left him after she woke up from her coma. unfortunately this was the only part that you feel empathy for this character. I also felt empathy for Charlie as at the start he was struggling to write his screen play, but at the end he had finally gotten a whole screen play written with the help of his brother and then his brother unfortunately dies.

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