Sunday 30 September 2018

The Truman Show - Audience Response

What are your expectations of the film? Give reasons for your answer.

My expectations for this film is very high as the front cover is very enticing and the information given to us on the back is very informative on what to expect but doesn't give too much away. 

Narrative turning points - at what points does the plot change?

The first plot change was right at the beginning when a spot light fell from the sky but it was blamed on an aeroplane dropping a part. This then starts to make your mind wonder why they did this but then it becomes clear later on. It changes again when Truman decides to enter a random building which was out of his routine and goes into one of the elevators where he sees the crew back stage which he wasn't suppose to. The third plot change is when he gets onto the bus as the actors weren't expecting him to do that and the actor playing the bus driver doesn't know how to actually drive the bus. The final plot change is when he goes missing as it shows him back to normal and then the next he's disappeared. 

Memorable moments - what moments in the film stood out for you? Give reasons.

The first memorable moment is when Truman's dad dies (supposedly) this is memorable as it explains he is afraid of the water. The next memorable moment is when Truman speaks to one of the actors Lauren (aka Sylvia) as she tries to tell Truman that he is in a TV show, this is memorable because as Truman never forgot her and was going to go to Fiji where she supposedly went just to be with her. Another memorable moment is when Truman finally leaves the show, as he has been trapped for so many years and he finally takes that step outside of the show.

Emotional response - what was your emotional response to the film? Did your emotions change? If so where, why?

At the beginning when it was getting started it was very confusing as it was hard to understand what was going on, but as the film progressed my emotions changes to sympathy for Truman as he has no idea what is happening all around him. My emotions changed when Truman started to realize something was right and there was something weird going on.

Did you feel empathy/sympathy for any of the characters? Which were your favourites? Why?

My favourite character was Truman as he was the only one being his true self all the other people were actors. I did feel sympathy for Truman as he didn't get to experience a real childhood or even adult hood it was all made up for the viewers pleasure. 

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