Wednesday 15 May 2019

Hunger Games - Action or Realism

     The Hunger Games, a blockbuster action film or social realism?


- The Hunger Games is a action, adventure, sci-fi and thriller. However I feel as if there are elements of romance and social realism as well as the other genres. 
- The action is shown through all the training, fighting and explosions going on in the middle and the end of the film. Through out the whole film the audience are with Katniss on this adventure which sees her go through a lot of hard times which she overcomes. The sci-fi element to this film is the reaping and how. The audience get a scenes of thrill throughout the play, from the fighting to the jump scares. 
The relationship between Katniss and Gale and Katniss and Peeta allows the audience to see the romance within the film. At the beginning we see a little insight into the relationship of Katniss and Gale when they talk about leaving the district together. As the film progresses we start to see the relationship between Peeta and Katniss grow from being chosen to being friends then starting to be something more.
- The social realism concept in the film is shown in the districts especially district twelve, as we get to see there day to day lives and how hard it is with their poverty. We also see the difference between them and the capital as they have lavish clothes, food and money. 


District 1 - Luxury

District 2 – Masonry/stone mining

District 3 - Technology

District 4 - Fishing

District 5 - Power

District 6 – Transportation

District 7 - Lumber

District 8 - Textiles

District 9 - Grain

District 10 - Livestock

District 11 - Agriculture

District 12 - Coal

- I think the Hunger Games represents society through all the different districts and capital. 
Each district has a role to play in giving to the capital as they are at the top and rule over the districts. In the film you are able to see each person use there skills from there district to their advantage. As seen when the boy from district 3 used his technological skills to place the mines around the mountain of supplies. 

- I associate the capital with all the rich and wealthy people in the world then the districts represent the middle class and the poor. The top districts are the more important districts to the capital so they are treated more fairly (they are they middle class). Whereas the bottom districts aren’t as important but still needed so that the capital can get the stuff they want without having to do it themselves. Could the districts be separated into different cultures and looks as in district 11 most of the people there are black which implies that the director wanted to also show the divide in culture in society. 

- In the opening ceremony you could tell from the costumes and hair and makeup which district they were each from. This was cleverly done from the micro elements from the camera angles to the editing of each shot as it really showed the divide in society and how each person is different but want the same goal in a sense. 

    Nobody watches a film in the same way as others. One person may have looked at the Hunger Games and thought that it was an action film and nothing else. However someone else could have watched this film and saw the social realism side to it and thought it shows a lot of what is going on in the world today just shown in a more physical way. 

    - The story follows Katniss who volunteers as tribute to go into the hunger games instead of her sister (Prim) who was chosen to do it. We then follower her on this drama filled journey up to the hunger games where the action begins with all the fighting and explosions. 
    Every year the Capitol of Panem hosts an event called the Hunger Games where two "tributes" – a boy and a girl – are drafted from each of the twelve districts to be brought to an arena and fight to the death. During the opening ceremonies, Cinna and Portia dress Katniss and Peeta in flames and they draw much attention to themselves. During training, Katniss reveals her archery skills to the Gamemakers and scores an amazing 11 out of 12. All 24 of the tributes are transported to the arena to fight it out. Katniss is on her own at first, but then she discovers that Peeta has teamed up with the Career Tributes – the strong kids from the rich districts in Panem who actually want to go to the Hunger Games. They eventually corner her in a tree, but she drops a tracker jacker nest on them and scores a bow and arrow in the process. After this, Katniss teams up with Rue, a tiny girl from District 11 who reminds her of her sister Prim. In the end both Katniss and Peeta win which has never happened before so they changed the whole game. 
    - The villains (President Snow, Cato).
     - The hero (Katniss). 
    - The provider (Haymitch through the sponsors who give medicines which appear to have almost magical properties.) 
    - The helpers (Haymitch, Rue and Cinna)
    - The princess (Peeta – who is saved by Katniss) 

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